Monday, August 1, 2011

The Best Day of Summer '11

I wake up to the sound of my mom talking to my little brother.  Next thing I know, my chest starts vibrating... My chest starts vibrating?  My phone was pinned under me from when I fell asleep while texting the night before.  It was my alarm going off, but I hadn't turned my volume on, so all I got was the vibration.  I stretched and got up as I prepared to go into what I was quite sure would be a great day- little did I know it would top my summer.

I arrived at church, and, found myself coerced into ushering because there was only one person who showed up.  As mass approached, we were still the only two.  This would have been okay if the entire church was packed.  It was crunch time when we decided I would take one side and he would take the other side of the congregation...both of us taking on the work of 3.  Fortunately for us, we managed to find help for the collection and communion.

I leave church reciting my list.  Snacks for the boat.  Farm stand for an onion and a tomato for burgers.  Wonder Foods for a couple bags of ice for the cooler.  Check. Got it.  Banvilles, move out.

I get home only to rush in to vaccuum the living room rug where the dogs had decided to loose their fur like trees lose leaves in the fall.  I cleaned out the cooler, filled it with beverages, and raced to get the beach towels.  In that time, my brother managed to find 5 glasses for us to use for lemonade on the boat.  He makes Congress look efficient. 

My brother's friend Kallie arrives, and I text Lauren to check their location.  Another 30 minutes.  Time to breathe.  After chatting with my parents, those two head down to the boat.  Lauren and Scott arrive, and after they change into their suits, we are off to the lake.  The sun is shining, boats are everywhere, and I couldn't be happier.

We tour the lake since Scott, Lauren, and Kallie have never been on it.  We then go to the island to explore, and then to the no wake zone where we drop anchor and swim.  Or rather float with noodles and jump off the boat. 

Kallie jumps off with a perfect flip, and we learn she is a power tumbler.  So Scott decided to undertake the task of doing a front flip.  He makes the arrangement that I have to do it if he manages.  So next thing I know is I am on board trying to flip.  Lauren is just laughing at me.  Lane is making fun of me.  Scott is telling me I can do it.  And Kallie is coaching.  Well, I somewhat did it. 

We go in for burgers at the house, then Lane and Kallie go to Youth Group, and the other three of us head back to the lake.  Scott is in charge of driving, and we go to the no wake zone again.  Scott nails his flip.  We even got video proof.  Then we head to the island, where we wade, or Scott swims, I wade, and Lauren rides on my back to the nearby shore where we get on the playground for a bit.  We left and Lauren and I walked around the outside of the island while Scott abandoned us for the boat.  It was pleasant going around the island, and I wish the island could have been miles long so the tour didn't end. 

We wrapped up the night with Scott driving, and then realizing I had to pick Lane up from church made us fly home.

It was a perfect day, and I wish it could have been extended even a couple more hours. 

Moral to be extracted from this narrative: time spent with friends and those you care about is time will spent.  Cherish every moment.  Even the little ones have so much meaning, and will leave you smiling whenever you recall them.  I know I will.